目前分類:♬音樂♬ (51)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
詞 / 曲 : 嚴爵

如果我說 愛我沒有如果
錯過就過 你是不是會難過
若如果 拿來當藉口

如果我說 愛我沒有如果

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深夜1時 (1 am)
ネオンの隙間から伺うEyes 合図
女豹たちが抜き足 差し足
狙うはOnly one Black Diamond
Baby all I want it (all i want it,あれが欲しいの)
Baby all I need it (all i need it,Black diamond is mine)

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愛了壞了走了 錯了哭了痛了
累了倦了哭了 煩的亂的冷的 都是真的
瘋的想的念的 不安的焦慮的
浮躁的夢過的 擁有的失去的 怎麼忘呢
你坐過的沙發睏了 你愛的音樂停了 我等著你等成了 擺設

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She kissed you under an urban sky
One night ~ it was like the 4th of July
You loved Her: She had the light of the moon.
You watched Her as She crossed the room… She just smiled…

She gives you what you want and hopes that someday
You will want to take what She has to give
Everything you want will fade someday
You just might want what She has to give.

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Where is the moment when needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on

當你最需要好運的時候 它在哪裡?

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ふたりの距離がすごく 縮まった 気持ちがした
自然に腕が組めて 冷えた空 見あげた時に

コンビニでお茶選んで 当たり前に分けあって

ずっと ずっと そばにいて
大好きなきみを 見つめてたい
Snowflakes きみの暖もりは
冬の贈り物 ほら 雪だよ

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有誰知道我網誌的歌是誰唱的歌啊?! 歌名是?!


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Like A Star Corinne Bailey Rae lyrics
Artist: Corinne Bailey Rae
Album: Corinne Bailey Rae
Year: 2006

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Les rêves des amoureux sont comme le bon vin
Ils donnent de la joie ou bien du chagrin
Affaibli par la faim je suis malheureux
Volant en chemin tout ce que je peux
Car rien n'est gratuit dans la vie

L'espoir est un plat bien trop vite consommé
À sauter les repas je suis habitué
Un voleur solitaire est triste à nourrir
À nous, je suis amer, je veux réussir

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*should i love him or not?
1 住む世界が
And 3 生き方が
Who do i love the best?
Somebody tell me


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You said all that いつも口約束だけ
それに乗せられてきたけど It's time to pay
Deep down inside 本当はナイスガイ
少し油断してると you bounce

Where you going? 君の paceに合わせても
Liar Liar... いつまで経っても 昔のまま
Milk and honey... 甘い蜜はもう期限切れ

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Every body, let's get down
Livin' in the funky town (let's get down)
眠らずにC'mon now
エレクトロニックなfunky town

Tu tu tu バスルームで鼻歌
Tu tu tu 脳天気な会話
What's the deal, baby?

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Lindsay Lohan-What Are You Waiting For
Album:Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen [SOUNDTRACK]

(Verse 1)
Sometimes, I get that overwhelming feeling,
So sad the faces on TV,
If i try to make a difference would it help anyway,
Then I stop and to myself I say

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O.S.T-K歌情人 Music and Lyrics

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on

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I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas is
You... yea

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『007首部曲:皇家夜總會 007: Casino Royale』主題曲,好聽喔!

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作詞:汪佩蓉 作曲:汪佩蓉

明日太陽 IT'S YOU

今晚月亮 IT'S YOU

我的世界 IT'S YOU

午後彩虹 IT'S YOU

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生きられないと 知っているから
誰も恋に 落ちるたびに
自分だけの物語 求めすぎてしまうでしょう

目の前 不思議そうに
微笑む 君と僕は…

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